Born and bred in Brooklyn, NY, Rabbi Sheya Lazenga brings Beth Rambam a dynamic Torah personality. After graduating the historic Torah V’daas High School of New York in 1999, Rabbi Lazenga continued his Torah studies in the famed Kol Torah Yeshiva located in the Bayit Vegan neighborhood of Jerusalem. There, he studied under world renowned Torah prodigies such as R’Avraham Erlanger and Rabbi Schlesinger among others. In 2003, Rabbi Lazenga returned to the United States where he endured a brief stint at the prestigious Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, NJ before embarking on his Rabbinate training at Kollel Ateres Chayei Raizel in Waterbury, CT, under the direction of Rabbi Chaim Cohen. After 13 rigorous years, Rabbi Lazenga earned his Semichah (Rabbinate Ordination) from the Rosh HaKollel, Rabbi Chaim Cohen as well as Rabbi Hershel Ausch, Av Beis Din of Karlsburg, and Rabbinic Advisor to Chaim Aruchim, an End of Life Counseling and Advocacy Organization established by Agudath Israel of America. He also received a rabbinic certificate from Rabbi Feivel Cohen, noted author of Badei Hashulchan, a classic work on Halachah. During those years, Rabbi Lazenga was promoted to Assistant Rosh Kollel, a position he held for 5 years, before directing his own Kollel in Bridgeport, CT. In 2022, Rabbi Lazenga was invited to serve as Rosh HaLimud of Beth Rambam’s newly founded CBR Learning Center. The Learning Center was established to develop budding Sephardic Torah Scholars into high-caliber Rabbinic personalities.